Lost in transition: Bulgaria and the European Green Deal

The National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) are supposed to be the member states’ roadmap for achieving the EU’s 2050 ambitious carbon neutrality goal. The policy measures within these strategic documents are meant to reconcile the tension between past path dependency on carbon intensive national energy sectors and economies and the drive towards new green technologies. The Bulgarian NECP reveals moderate progress on energy efficiency, renewable energy and regional power market integration goals. Yet it does not build a strong foundation for enabling a transformational policy path until 2050. Neither does it clearly outline the spill-over effects from the energy sector into all aspects of the economy and society. This policy brief analyses the main elements of the final version of the Bulgarian NECP and proposes targeted policy measures on how to better implement it over the next decade.

Author(s):Dr. Radostina Primova and Martin Vladimirov
Publisher(s):Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union, IEEP, Brussels Dialogue on Climate Democracy, Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change
Place Published:Brussels, Belgium
Date / Journal Vol. No.January 2019

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